Youth for Youth Conference Facilitator

Youth for Youth Conference Facilitator

Facilitators of the 2018 Youth for Youth Conference can earn Service Learning hours as you prepare to inspire other young people at the 2018 Youth for Youth Conference and as they facilitate the conference. NOTE: Facilitators have already been chosen and have been in training. If you are interested in earning service learning hours as a participant, see the post for participants.

Preparation Instruction:
Attend the Facilitator and workshop trainings, overnight retreat and re-cap trainings. Complete the "Family Group" agendas and workshop presentations for the 2018 Youth for Youth Conference. 

Activity Instruction:
Successfully facilitate "Family Groups" and workshops at the 2018 Youth for Youth Conference.

Reflection Instruction:
Create a portfolio of your conference experience, include copies of your "Family Group" agendas, workshop presentation, pictures of the events and a two-page reflection of your experience at conference. Include in your reflection: What did you do? How did you prepare? What did you learn? How was this an example of service to the community? What feedback can you give to the organizers on how to make the conference better in the future? 

Learning Standards/Objectives:

The objective for Youth for Youth is:  built on the belief that the youth are leaders of today and have much to contribute towards making positive changes in their families, schools and village communities. Teens are actively involved in prevention program development, implementation and evaluation. 

Guam DOE standards addressed include:
Social Studies Standards: Standard 4: Government and Civics

Students learn to achieve civic competence by studying the structures of power, authority, and governance.
AG.4.16: Practice personal character traits that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in civic life, including the following:

• Trustworthiness and honesty

• Courtesy and respect for the rights of others

• Responsibility, accountability, and self-reliance

AG.4.17: Explain the importance of thoughtful and effective participation in civic life, including the following:

• Performing public service

Standard 8: Health Advocacy

Demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.

HS.8.1: Utilize accurate peer and societal norms to formulate a health enhancing message. EXAMPLE: Create a poster using data from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) that encourages peers to abstain from risky behaviors (e.g., abusing alcohol and drugs, having unprotected sex).

HS.8.2: Evaluate strategies that influence and encourage others to make positive health choices. EXAMPLE: Create a pamphlet or website advocating a tobacco-free lifestyle.

HS.8.3: Work cooperatively as an advocate for improving personal, family, and community health. EXAMPLE: Sponsor a health fair addressing health-related issues currently affecting teens.

HS.8.4: Adapt health messages and/or communication techniques to target a specific audience. EXAMPLE: Modify a public service announcement using a variety of languages to promote good health.

HS.8.5: Employ life skills that promote healthy, productive, and functional lives. EXAMPLE: Collect samples of warning labels from common household items and discuss potential health hazards. Or, create a presentation using technology (e.g., PowerPoint, video, print advertisements) depicting a model lifestyle of a typical teenager on Guam (e.g., family functions, volunteer work, extracurricular involvement).

HS.8.6: Develop and articulate personal opinions about health issues. EXAMPLE: Prepare a persuasive speech explaining the importance of HIV testing and counseling of sexually active youth.


  Name: Joey Lujan
 Phone: 688-8715
Organization/Agency/Business Name: Youth for Youth LIVE! Guam

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