Libraries Need Love Too!
Libraries Need Love Too!
- Status: Past Project
- Possible Hours: 8
- Categories: Peace and Kindness, Education and Literacy, Citizenship and Civic Engagement, Health and Wellness, History and Culture
- Schools: Open to All Schools
- Project Start Date: 11/12/2017
- Project End Date: 05/28/2018
Find out where your closest public library is and what the hours of operation are . Pay them a visit. Discuss their events for young readers and ask how you could be of help. Support existing events and/or create new event to fill out the library’s calendar of events. Perhaps you could also go to the elementary school close to you and ask the school librarian if you can create or support an event for the school library. If you have a book-sharing event in mind, and a creative way to introduce this to children, offer this to the librarian. Make an appointment for a date that you will do this service.
This is meant to be an independent project. Because you will be initiating this, you will need to be very responsible about documenting your hours and the work that you did. It Before you get started, get the approval of a teacher who will support you in this project and grant you the hours if you meet the objectives.
If you are supporting an existing event, volunteer to help in some way: read out loud, shelve books, create a display, storytelling. Come on time and do what you have agreed to do. Have someone take your picture and post it to social media using the hashtag #guamservicelearning #librariesneedlove or some other appropriate hashtag. Get the librarian to verify what you did and how many hours you worked (a signed letter or certificate.)
In order to earn service learning hours, a reflection needs to be turned into a teacher who can input the hours into Power School. You need to address: What did you do? What did you learn? How was this an example of public service? I hope that you will feel the satisfaction of sharing your love of reading with young kids and know that you encouraged them to love reading and books. That’s always a great thing to say every chance you get..that you helped inspire young readers to love books.
I would like to see our libraries get more outreach event support by infusing their volunteer rolls with book-loving students using their skills to promote an event. Supporting our village libraries helps to strengthen the community and creates fun, family events. It’s always good when a kid settles in with a book.
Common Core Language Arts Standard: Speaking and Listening, 9-10- 11-12.6: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
Social Studies Standard: Government and Civics: AG.4.17
Explain the importance of thoughtful and effective participation in civic life, including the following:
- Performing public service
Acknowledged by Teacher/Guidance Counselor:
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