Guam Earth Buckets: Sub-irrigated Planters

Guam Earth Buckets: Sub-irrigated Planters

Making an Earth Bucket is a hands-on way to start your own garden and learn environmentally friendly ways to do so. For your service learning, you will make an Earth Bucket and donate it to a to senior citizen, or to a person with disabilities, or any family who may need this resource. The Earth Bucket, or a Sub-Irrigated Planter, ensures that plants use only enough water to stay healthy and are not over-watered. It reduces evaporation, returns water to the soil, and keeps the fertilizer from washing away. Earth Buckets are important because they allow beginners to start gardening with low maintenance, Also, because of their thoughtful design, they conserve water and use little space. Investment is low and environmentally friendly when you use recycled buckets. 

Preparation Instruction:
Contact us to sign up.
Take volunteer tour & safety briefing at Island Girl Power.
Dress for gardening work.

Activity Instruction:
Show up at Island Girl Power at your scheduled time. 
You can help make Earth Buckets to give away. If you would like to take one home, then you need to pay a $10 fee. 
Follow directions to make the Earth Bucket.
Donate it to your designated recipient.
Take pictures of making the Earth Bucket and donating it. Post on social media using hashtag, #guamservicelearning, #guamearthbucket

Reflection Instruction:
In order to earn service learning hours, a reflection needs to be turned into a teacher who can input the hours into Power School. You need to address: What did you do? What did you learn? How was this an example of public service?  How did you feel when you donated your Earth Bucket to someone who needed it? 

Learning Standards/Objectives:

Learn to follow design instructions with measurements, to use power tools and equipment, to make an earth bucket and give it to a person in need with a food plant and soil included.
To become aware of the need to conserve our water and soil resources.
To learn of a wonderful use of recycled products. 

Standard 1: Science As Inquiry: Students use scientific inquiry and develop the ability to think and act in ways associated with inquiry.

BI.1.4 Communicate the components and results of life science explorations using appropriate techniques.

BI.1.5 Be curious, honest, open, and skeptical and value these attributes in others while engaged in life science activities.

BI.1.6 Demonstrate by actions in the school community caring and respect for the environment and living organisms.

Standard 2: Life Science: Students understand the diversity and unity of living organisms, the living environment, and principles of ecology.

BI.2.22 Understand and describe how organisms are influenced by a particular combination of living and nonliving components of the environment.


  Name: Juanita Blaz
 Phone: 688-4752
Organization/Agency/Business Name: Island Girl Power

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