Day at the Museum: Preservation in Action

Day at the Museum: Preservation in Action

Students will research and learn about the struggles of Guam's indigenous population, the Chamorro people, the Battle for Guam, and the lasting impact of WWII on the island. Students who participate in this project will be involved in the production of performance monologues of historical figues from the WWII era to be presented to the public.

Preparation Instruction:
Auditions To Be Announced. 

Prepare for and perform a monologue during one of 2 scheduled auditions. After auditions, students will receive their roles, and the real fun and learning will begin. Students will participate in workshops to hone their acting and researching skills. Since the focus of the project is to bring the stories of WWII on Guam to the community, students will learn the importance of historical accuracy in museum theatre. In addition to workshops, students will need to attend rehearsals to prepare for the performance. 

Activity Instruction:
Actors will need to memorize their monologues, learn acting techniques, and perform their roles in public.

Reflection Instruction:
In order to earn service learning hours, a reflection is required. Use this as a guideline for your reflection - What did you ? What did you learn? How was this was an example of service? Why is the Day at the Museum project important for the Guam community?  How did you feel about your participation?

Learning Standards/Objectives:

Language Arts: 

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating their understanding of the subject under investigation.

Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.

Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Social Studies:

HS Guam History 

Standard 2: History

Students learn how human beings view themselves in and over time.

GH.2.1 Examine and interpret primary and secondary source documents.

GH.2.2 Use concepts, such as time, chronology, causality, change, conflict, and complexity, to explain connections and patterns of historical change and continuity.

GH.2.3 Identify and describe historical periods and patterns of change during the eras of Guam history, including the


• Japanese Occupation


Fine Arts:

Standard 2: Creating (Proficient)

Students will engage in the artistic process, acquire skills, and use them to communicate meaning in an original work of art.

HSP.2.1 Make acting choices using script analysis, character research, reflection, through the rehearsal process

HSP.2.2 Write dialogues and scenes, applying basic dramatic structure: exposition, complication, conflict, crises, climax, and resolution.

HSP.2.3 Design, produce, or perform scenes or plays from a variety of theatrical periods and styles, including Shakespearean and contemporary realism.


  Name: Jonathan Barnhart
 Phone: (671) 477-7278 ext. 1022, (671) 489-2584
Organization/Agency/Business Name: Pacific Historic Parks

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