Community First Clothing Drive

Community First Clothing Drive

This clothing drive will supply Guam’s homeless population, victims of domestic violence, and foster children with clothing essentials necessary for everyday life, all while being environmentally respectful.

We will be assisting non-profit organizations (such as: Alee Shelter, Sanctuary Incorporated of Guam, Harvest House, and Island Girl Power) by supplying Guam’s homeless population, victims of domestic violence, and foster children with clothing essentials necessary for everyday life, all while being environmentally respectful. Donations will be collected from October 15 – November 1, 2019. We will organize and sort through all items collected on October 23 and November 4, 2019.


Preparation Instruction:
Collect different clothing items around your household that you no longer use and are willing to donate. Items may include (but are not limited to): school uniforms, shirts, shorts, pants, dresses, shoes, bags, bras (no wire), underwear etc. Articles of clothing must be gently used without stains, smells, or tears. Underwear of any size must be donated brand-new. 

Activity Instruction:
  • Donations may be dropped off at any Community First service center locations (Dededo, Mangilao, Tamuning, or Hagatna). Please have branch manager, or available employee in charge, sign service learning log as proof of donation. * We will offer (1) hour for every bag of clothing donated between October 15- November 1 with the maximum being up to (3) hours.
  • Meet at Community First in Mangilao from 3-5 PM on Wednesday, October 23 and/or Monday, November 4 in order to help organize and sort through the clothing donations. *(2) hours will be offered for each day.
  • Give your contact info to the project leader before you leave so he/she can send you your certificate of participation.
  • If possible, take pictures and post to social media using the hashtags #CommunityFirstClothingDrive #GuamServiceLearning #CommunityFirstGuam

Reflection Instruction:
In order to earn service learning hours, a reflection needs to be turned in to a teacher who can input the hours into Power School. You need to address: What did you do? What did you learn? How was this an example of public service? Please reflect on the purpose of this clothing drive, the missions each non-profit represents, and how each donation can make an impact on an individual’s life.

Learning Standards/Objectives:

Social Studies Government and Civics
 AG.4.16 - Practice personal character traits that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in civic life, including the following:

• Trustworthiness and honesty

• Courtesy and respect for the rights of others

• Responsibility, accountability, and self-reliance

Government and Civics AG.4.17: Explain the importance of thoughtful and effective participation in civic life, including the following:

• Performing public service

• Keeping informed about current issues

• Respecting differing opinions in a diverse society

• Practicing personal and fiscal responsibility

Science: Biology - BI.1.6 Demonstrate by actions in the school community caring and respect for the environment and living organisms. (Importance of reducing, reusing, recycling)



  Name: Cyndal Abad

 Phone: 483-1298
Organization/Agency/Business Name: Community First Guam Federal Credit Union

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