Be a Hero at Hero Con 2018
Be a Hero at Hero Con 2018
- Status: Past Project
- Possible Hours: 10
- Categories: Education and Literacy, Citizenship and Civic Engagement
- Schools: Open to All Schools
- Project Start Date: 12/09/2018
- Project End Date: 12/09/2018
Great Opportunity to earn 10 service learning hours! Work with industry marketing members in a promotional event that caters to young and old - HEROCON. Interested students can sign up through Guam Service Learning. Act Now! Limit of 25 students taking part in an extraordinary event of colorful art and fashion scene, with quirky vintage clothing, exhibitions and cosplay within Agana Shopping Center. Be part of a working TEAM. JOIN US!
If you know what Cosplay is, you may be interested in this service learning opportunity. Help out at the Hero Con (Convention) as a staff member. You will Cosplay (Costume Play), dress up as your favorite character, role play this character, help in the running of the event, and provide visual examples of heroes to the community, especially children.
Preparation Instruction:
- Sign up by contacting the person listed at the bottom of this post.
- Get the support of a teacher before signing up for the event. Show him/her the post on this website.
- Connect with Executive Director of Marketing of Tango Inc., Teri Flores, to choose your area of responsibility: registration, advertisement in different media, awards and handouts to participants.
- Do an internet search on the Cosplay trend and possible characters you may want to portray. Determine what the character traits are of that character and how you can dramatize these traits. (Is he/she bold? shy? nervous? brave? humble?)
- Attend planning meetings. Find out the schedule from Ms. Flores. Learn the plans and steps of the event. Volunteer for tasks that you are able to do. Contribute your ideas if you have any to offer.
- Prepare your costume for Cosplay. Use available technology and your art skills to make decisions on how to portray your character.
- Keep track of the hours you spent in preparation. You can claim a part of this for your service learning.
- Help to promote the event in ways you are assigned.
- Attend scheduled planning meetings.
Activity Instruction:
- Show up at the event on December 9 at the Agana Shopping Center at the time you are given. Sign in with the service learning coordinator, Ms. Teri Flores (and out when you leave).
- Carry out your responsibilities as a staff member. Remember you are performing a service by portraying heroes.
- Take pictures of you at the event. Share on social media. Use hashtag #guamservicelearning #heroconGuam and others that are appropriate.
- Attend de-briefing when event closes. Give your review of the event, what worked and what did not. What can be improved for the next HeroCon?
- Pick up your certificate of participation.
- Take your certificate of participation, your recorded hours, and your reflection to a teacher and justify why you deserve these hours.
Reflection Instruction:
In order to earn service learning hours, a reflection needs to be turned into a teacher who can input the hours into Power School. You need to address: What did you do? How was this an example of my learning? (marketing, technology, fine arts) How was this an example of public service?
Learning Standards/Objectives:
Student Outcomes: Understanding marketing event principles from the point of view of the planner. Recall events, especially customer service highlights. Understand the trending COSPLAY events drawing great interest here and around the world which increases Asian and cultural understanding.
MARKETING PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (GCC Curriculum used in GDOE high school business classes):
- Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.
- Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason.
- Demonstrate creativity and innovation.
- Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management.
- Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence.Employ and manage techniques, strategies and systems to enhance business relationships.
- 9–12.5.9 Understand functions and features of emerging online interactive sites, such as: • Common blogging sites (e.g., edublog, • Social networking sites (e.g., MySpace, Facebook, Twitter)
- 9–12.3.2 Organize a project or inquiry using online tools (e.g., wikis, web quests, storyboards).
Theatre: Standard 2 - Creating
- HSA.2.1 Make acting choices using script analysis, character research, and reflection and create characters from classical, contemporary, realistic, and nonrealistic dramatic texts.
Fine Arts: Visual Arts: Standard 2: Creating
- HSA.2.1 Create original works of art of increasing complexity and skill using multiple combinations of the elements and principles of art.
- HSA.2.2 Plan and create works of art using complex ideas, such as distortion, color theory, arbitrary color, scale, expressive content, and real versus virtual.
- HSA.2.4 Apply an advanced level of proficiency in at least one art medium.
- HSA.2.6 Demonstrate in their own works of art a personal style and an advanced proficiency in communicating an idea theme, or emotion.
- HSA.2.7 Identify and discuss innovative visual metaphors and symbolism in creating works of art.
Social Studies: Government and Civics
AG.4.17: Explain the importance of thoughtful and effective participation in civic life, including the following:
• Performing public service
• Respecting differing opinions in a diverse society
• Practicing personal and fiscal responsibility
Name: Constance Camat / Teri Flores
Phone: 9298374 /6856002
Organization/Agency/Business Name: Tango Theatres
Acknowledged by Teacher/Guidance Counselor:
Print name: _____________________________